25.08.2012 г.
13.07.2012 г.
12.07.2012 г.
10.07.2012 г.
Exhibitions for local community members
We organised 3 exhibitons for local community members and representatives of other schools to disseminate our project results.Taking the opportunity that our school is an Admission Centre this year and many school children from the region/ other regions as well/ come here together with their parents and teachers, we set the biggest exhibition in school.We told the story of our project in photos. We also played videos about the unforgettable moments we had had.
5.07.2012 г.
Project results and outcomes were included into Plovdiv's Public TV commercial on our school.Thus they could reach a wider public than materials published in other media.
Materials sent to and published in electronic and other media
Materials sent to and published in electronic and other media
30.06.2012 г.
School is a desired territory when we both learn and have fun.
The T.I.M.E. Comenius project turned our school into a desired territory as
- IT instilled tolerance to cultural,
religious and socio-economic differences through various activities and
forms of artistic expression.
- It was a means for fostering key competences in a wide range
of subjects and topics like Languages, Literature, Social/Civic
Studies, Music, Arts, Drama, ICT, culture, religion, European values.
- We could express our ideas about tolerance in various artistic forms.
- Participation in different activities instilled tolerance,
developed our sensitivity towards the problem of intolerance, enhanced
our communication and interaction skills and taught us how to live in a
multicultural Europe.
- It offered us attractive forms of spending our free time.
- It helped us develop key learning competences such as
communication, discussing, looking for information, classifying, sharing
and presenting information.
We were exposed to unusual circumstances but we managed to deal with the situations with flying colours.
We had unforgettable moments and glimpses from the countries w
- became more aware of cultural diversity and the need of knowing
foreign cultures and languages.
- We had an opportunity for an
intercultural dialogue, an open and respectful exchange of world views and
interaction between young people from different countries.
- developed key life competences and social skills.
- crossed socio-economic, cultural , religious and ethnic borders
and broadened our minds/
broaden the horizons in terms of
understanding foreign values, cultures and
- learned to understand and respect differences
- developed linguistic, artistic
and interpersonal skills and became more confident
- had the opportunity to travel and get to know countries, members of
the European Community
- recognized that intercultural dialogue is
essential for learning to live together in harmony.
developed sensitivity towards the problem of intolerance, enhanced
communication and interaction skills and got guidelines how to become more
tolerant and how to live in a multicultural Europe.
And maybe some day we will become the builders of the society and the world
we all dream of.
In conclusion
If more people took part in
projects like ours,” life would be more beautiful than a song” as our great
poet Vaptsarov wrote years ago.
25.06.2012 г.
Dissemination of project results and outcomes
Members of the Bulgarian T.I.M.E team presented project results and outcomes at the 4th Conference on Qualifications , held annually under the title The School , A Desired Territory for Students
24.06.2012 г.
The first version of the final product, a film on the performance in Lipiany , was made.Films on the visit to Poland and the project itself are under way for the sake of dissemination of project results and outcomes.
19.06.2012 г.
T.I.M.E. is in us and we are in
To everyone:
Have you heard about T.I.M.E. Comenius project? Where was their last visit?What is the main topic of the project/T./?
Chuvali li ste za proekt T.I.M.E po programa Komenski? A za poslednata im vizita? Koja e temata na proekta /T./?
Харесва ми · · Отказ от известия за публикацията · Сподели
· РедактирайтеTo everyone:
Have you heard about T.I.M.E. Comenius project? Where was their last visit?What is the main topic of the project/T./?
Chuvali li ste za proekt T.I.M.E po programa Komenski? A za poslednata im vizita? Koja e temata na proekta /T./?
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