The second survey was carried out among members of the Bulgarian T.I.M.E. team. There were eleven questions which were meant to find out whether the visit changed the participants for the better, building up and improving personal qualities and interpersonal relationships, opening their minds to broader horizons .
All the participants find the visit useful. It has helped them develop their language competences and enrich their knowledge in English, practice what they have learned at other subjects and language classes. They all point out improvement of skills for team work, in both Bulgarian and international teams.
Most of the participant overcame the language barrier and their reluctance and “fear” to talk to foreigners in English, having conversations on different topics of interest. They all admit they have been reassured as to their language competences and motivated to study the language harder. Besides, they have learned to work in teams and appreciated the benefits of team work better. There are some, however, who have given no or negative answer to the question “What did the visit give to you in connection with interpersonal relations?” probably due to the insufficient knowledge of the language.
97% of the participants agree they get closer to each other despite cultural differences. They have learned about the cultures,life and language of their partners.They all point out the significance of learning a foreign language and its impact on intercultural relations.
All of them understand and interpret the need from and the principles of tolerance correctly. They all agree that tolerance makes things better and have firm beliefs on the matter.
As to the language competences and skills the conclusion is that the visit has improved them to a greater or lesser extent.
What has made the biggest impact or impression on the participants during the visit is that despite differences they could communicate well and have similar tastes in music, dancing ,etc.,similar interests, preferences and desires.They all gave the presentations, the visiting places of tolerance tours and the joint activities /esp. at the festival/ an extremely higher mark. They liked the spirit of discovering things for themselves , getting impressions of „other lives”, different cultures and ways of thinking and of discovering their own country as well,also seeing it through the eyes of the foreign partners.
They admit taking part in all the activities with pleasure which means that the latter have been chosen well and the programme was successful. A special preference is given to events in which all the participants took part.
It is obvious from the answers that the visit has changed all the participants for the better. They all say they are better, calmer, more patient and more tolerant now, which is actually the project objective.
98% of the participants want to continue their relationship with the other teams. They are ready and willing to take part in organising future visits and projects.
They all think that another brick has been taken down from the wall of intolerance and prejudice via the T.I.M.E. visit in Bulgaria and the events organised prior to it. It is obvious they understand the aim and the activities of the project well.Project work has influenced the students` way of thinking and behaviour in the desired way. They have spiritually grown up and their motivation for a greater participation in the process of education has been enhanced.
Evaluation report 1 : Because it counts what you think.
of the results from the survey
The analysis was made on the basis of 22 questionnaire forms, chosen at random from all the forms, completed by members of the school team. All of them have taken some part in the events of the T.I.M.E. meeting in Bulgaria. The analysis covered all the answers given per each question separately.
The survey was meant to find out whether the activities were related to the project topic and whether students find participation in such projects useful.
1. Did you take part in any of the events of the T.I.M.E. meeting in Bulgaria?
Yes -82% - 18 people; No – 0%; In some of them – 18% - 4 people.
It is obvious that all who filled in the questionnaire have taken part in the events, the active participation being prevalent.
2. Did you take part in the preparation and organization of events?
Yes – 82% -18 people; No – 9% - 2 people; In some of them– 9% - 2 people. Results show that students in general were interested in the meeting and wanted to be a part of it.
3. Do you find such meetings useful?
Yes – 100% - 22 people.
The unanimity does not state the reasons for finding the visit useful but it clearly shows that the general opinion is meetings are better than confrontation
4. Which skills and competences did you practice and apply during the visit?
More than one answer was given.
English – 32% - 11answers; Communicative skills – 29% - 10 answers; Creative skills – 9% - 3 answers; None of them - 9% - 3 answers;
All of them – 21% - 7 answers.
It is clearly seen that 91% - 19 people have practiced the basic skills set to be developed by the project aims, only 3 people attending the events for other reasons.
5. Did communication with peers from other countries break stereotypes and help you get rid of prejudice and lack of confidence?
Yes - 41% - 9 people; No – 18 % - 4 people; To a certain extent – 41 % - 9 people.
It is obvious that most of the participants have experienced some changes in their vision, capabilities, confidence and the ability to communicate with peers from other countries. However, the questionnaire does not cover the level of knowledge of foreign languages which strongly influences the type of answer.
6. Did those meetings make you more tolerant to cultural diversity and other people` s differences?
Yes – 68% - 15 people; No – 0%; To a certain extent – 32% - 7 people.
It is clearly seen that all participants have changed their attitude or at least thought about tolerance , which shows the project is worth doing and its goals are achievable. It is also clear that work on tolerance should continue in various forms, involving all students, constantly changing methods and forms.
7. How would you define the 1st T.I.M.E. meeting?
More than one answer was given.
Fruitful – 15% - 6 answers; Exciting – 35% -14 answers; Unforgettable – 45% - 18 answers.
These answers were intentionally graded. It is obvious that almost everybody is satisfied with their participation, giving positive evaluation of the visit.
The answer “Boring” – 5% , 2 answers, is obviously due to poor knowledge of foreign languages, which hindered understanding and communication.
8. Would you take part in another meeting like that?
Yes – 91% - 20 people; No – 0%; Maybe – 9% - 2 people.
This is also evidence in favour of the above made conclusions. Even those who have declared it boring hope or secretly wish to take part in such a visit again.
9. Do you think such projects are worth doing?
Yes – 100% - 22 people.
Complete accord. The result confirms the need of more projects like that and the conclusion that kids want to work and be involved in projects but they have to be organized. Besides, projects should involve as many students as possible .
10. Which of the events did you like most?
More than one answer was given.
Visiting places of tolerance in Sofia – 8% - 2 answers;
Welcoming – 16% - 4 answers;
Planting trees in the Alley of Tolerance – 8% - 2 answers;
Art for Tolerance Festival 8% - 2 answers;
None of them – 0%;
All – 52% - 13 answers;
Others – 16% - 4 answers.
It is seen that despite preferences, all the events were liked. Students participated in them willingly. The conclusion is that the activities were chosen well and in accordance with the project aims and the general and special preferences of the participants.
11. Are you more aware of the need of promoting European values by various means?
Yes – 50% - 11 people; No – 5% - 1 person; To a certain extent – 45% -10 people.
The conclusion to be made here is that through projects like this, the common European values will get people closer to each other and will bring about more tolerance and understanding.