

                          W A L L      O F       T O L E R A N C E
            The undersigned co-chairs of the
             S c h o o l   C a m p a i g n  f o r  T o l e r a n c e
                            do hereby authorize that the name of
             be placed on the Wall of Tolerance

             honouring those who are taking a personal,  
             public stand against hate, injustice  and

________________                                                          _______________
 Svetla Botova                          Maya Gaidarova
 School chair and project coordinator                                    Team chair and leader



                         D E C L A R A T I O N
                                               T O L E R A N C E

declare that
     I will appreciate diversity and the ability to live and let the others live
     I will
                 - exercise a fair and objective attitude towards those whose opinions, practices, religion,   nationality and so on differ from my own;
                 - show respect for the essential humanity in every person, respect and understand other cultures,
                 - promote democracy, ethnic tolerance, and respect for human rights,
                 - develop capacities for independent judgement, critical thinking and ethical reasoning
                 - respect my teachers and classmates