29.09.2010 г.

Survey on tolerance

Results from survey on tolerance in Bulgaria

About 60 students took part in the survey on tolerance, doing the questionnaire in writing and recognizing the benefits of the project, its ideas and activities.
According to them tolerance means accepting differences and cultural diversities, patience, respect, understanding, appreciation, compassion, empathy, the ability to listen and be good, caring and helpful. Only four did not know the meaning of the word, of which two did not know whether it was something important and necessary.
One person has no opinion as to whether we need tolerance in everyday life .All the rest find it important, especially team members. They think we need it for a better and easier communication, for nurturing equality and respect and consider it the key to solving difficult situations, easing tension and restoring people` s trust in the good sides of human nature.
One third of all also find it a prerequisite for solving problems like crime, injustice and cruelty. They also think that without tolerance the human race is bound to become extinct.
Furthermore, 95% find the project ideas interesting, most of them especially interested in learning about other countries and cultures. All of them think that project activities and communication platforms provide opportunities for learning foreign languages. A few appreciate the opportunities for artistic expression, as well.
50 % find all project activities interesting and rewarding, providing many opportunities.35% are interested mainly in the forms of artistic expression. 20% are interested in making videos and ppt, using different ICT. 15% are interested in evaluation and organizational matters. 50 % of all are interested in the festival activities and 5% - in drama ones.
Two people have answered only one question. 95% would like to take part in mobilities and everybody wants to join meetings and festivities.
Students also think they will have definitely developed a more tolerant attitude to differences and diversities by the end of the project.

Expectations survey in Poland

Last week we conducted a survey among all students attending 1st and 2nd form of our secondary school to examine their expectations from the project.
35 students took part in the survey. Most of them (95%) think that TIME project is a great idea, 3 of them are not sure if our school will manage with it. None of them thinks of the project as useless.
The second question dealt with project aims. 20 surveyed perceived "Getting to know foreign cultures" as the most important aim. 15 students liked the objective of "Improving language skills". Only one student doesn't like any of the project objectives.
Six students admitted that the idea of the project has not been explained to them sufficiently enough. 22 of the people questionned already belong to the Comenius team, 7 would like to join and 6 are not interested.
Question number 5 dealt with students' expectations. 14 of them would like to improve their language skills, 12 students said that they want to develop their talents as well as gain skills that will be useful in their further education

1 коментар:

  1. Well, we also have 22 students well aware of the project,so we even began planning your visit to Bulgaria,like where we shall take you..where shall we party..
