16.01.2011 г.

Tolerance glossary

                        G L O S S A R Y
Accept  - to take people and things as  they are
Acceptance - Favorable reception or approval of culture that are different from one’s own.
Appreciate – to enjoy or value something or someone
Bias  - A personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment or prejudice.
Discrimination - A prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment of someone because of a difference.
Intolerance - A negative opinion formed without just grounds or before enough knowledge about an individual, a group, or race is known.
Prejudice -  A negative, irrational attitude toward a group of people. Negative judgment without basis.
Stereotype - the belief that all people in a certain group have common characteristics and behaviors.
Scapegoating - the transfer of shame, fear, and suffering from one group to another and the acting out of aggression on that group.
Tolerance -The capacity for or practice of recognizing and respecting the opinions, practices, or behavior of others

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