15.05.2011 г.

Survey on the 1st meeting, Bulgaria , 7-12th May 2011


1.Did you take part in the events of the meeting in Bulgaria?
A) Yes  B) No  C) In some of them
2. Did you take part in the preparations and organization of events?
A) Yes B) No C) In some of them
3. Do you find such meetings useful?
A) Yes  B) No C) To a certain extent
4.What skills and competences did you practice and apply during the visit?
A) English B) communicative skills C) artistic skills D) all of them E) neither of them
5. Did communication with peers from other countries break stereotypes and help you get rid of prejudice?
A} Yes B) No C) To a certain extent
6. Did those meetings make you more tolerant to cultural diversity and other people` s  differences ?
7. How would you define the  1st T.I.M.E. meeting ?
A)Beneficial(useful) B)Exciting and touching C) Unforgettable D) Boring E) Nothing much /you can circle more than one answer/
8. Would you take part in another meeting like that?
A) Yes B) No  C) Perhaps
9. Do you think such projects are worth doing?
A) Yes B) No D) To a certain extent
10.Which of the events did you like most?
A) Visiting places of tolerance in Sofia;
B) Welcoming;
C) Planting trees in the Alley of tolerance;
D) Art for Tolerance Festival;
A) Yes  B) No  C)To a certain extent
F) All of them
G) Other
11. Are you more aware of the need of promoting European values by various means?
E) Neither

Please,send your answers by email : time_progect@abv.bg ! Thank you!!!

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